

Technology consulting firm delivers a candidate experience worthy of its brand while saving time and money with impress.ai

311 hours

Time saved


Candidate satisfaction

  • Tech Consulting


  • ~1000


  • Singapore


“impress.ai is a single source of truth for all our candidate data. Its automated workflow guides our candidates through the pre- screening, screening and assessment phases, feeding information back to our system in real- time. Alongside saving significant time and money, it’s created an impressive candidate experience that better aligns with our brand.”

  • Challenge

    A lengthy manual recruitment process was costing the firm productivity, time and money, and wasn’t providing the ideal candidate experience.

  • Results

    With impress.ai’s AI-powered workflow, the technology consulting firm processed over 900 applications with unprecedented success, saving 311 hours of staff productivity.

  • Business Benefits

    By automating repetitive tasks through the recruitment phase, the firm was able to speed up the process, deliver a better candidate experience, and increase hiring accuracy.

  • The Background


    The technology consulting firm is passionate about fostering the next generation of global tech leaders. Its highly coveted graduate programs enable successful applicants to develop real-world experience and skills, build an enviable professional network and ultimately, fast-track their careers. Based in Singapore and Malaysia, these opportunities attract a high number of candidates, and many of the roles require demonstrated technical skill.

    The firm’s team was manually screening candidates, reviewing applications, CVs and cover letters to progress those with the right aptitude to a technical assessment matched to their skill set. Information was then manually shared amongst the team and management. This process was proving time-consuming and had become a significant drain on resources.

    In addition, the process wasn’t delivering the best first impression. impress.ai’s client is an innovative, digital transformation leader, and a manual recruitment experience wasn’t the right fit for them.


    The Solution


    The firm partnered with impress.ai acting as its Applicant Tracking System (ATS), giving the team a single source of truth for all candidate data and a clear view of the end-to-end process.

    impress.ai also delivered an intelligent, automated workflow that pre-screens candidates. Those who indicate they have specific technical skills are now automatically progressed to the correct Codility assessment for their skill set, enabling the firm to identify candidate competencies accurately from the outset. This data and assessment results are then automatically transferred back to the impress.ai candidate profile.

    Following this, impress.ai’s machine learning algorithms rank candidates, putting all the information at the team’s fingertips. In addition, the set up makes it simple for the team to share the information with hiring managers, enabling more accurate, collaborative hiring decisions.

    Throughout the experience, candidates are guided by a custom chatbot, known as TARA, who can intelligently answer a range of FAQs instantaneously, giving the team 24/7 recruitment capability.


    The Results


    With impress.ai, the technology consulting firm has delivered an exceptional candidate experience yielding impressive results, including:

    900+ applications processed with an unprecedented success rate

    311 hours of productivity saved across the screening process

    95% of candidate questions answered without human intervention

    90% candidate satisfaction rating

    24/7 access to TARA (almost 47% are talking to TARA outside working hours)

    BAU roles being placed in addition to Graduate Program placements



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